Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Easy to Wear

Practicing my favorite photo-shoot expression, the signature scowl.
It was a hot, beautiful day in California, the type of day that makes a person want to wear as little clothes as humanly possible. Seeing as my house is being fumigated and most of my belongings are making their ways in and out of plastic bags, I went for an outfit that was easy to wear.

 I decided to add the flannel around my waist instead of a belt because I felt I would be able to move around more freely (marks on your skin from tight clothing are not cute when you're wearing a crop top).
This is the least "fabulous" outfit I've worn all week, yet it's the only one I've had the chance to photograph! I would have loved to pair this outfit with these Hellraiser loafers, these JC Platforms, or these Madden Sandals.

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' your signature scowl there, Teresa! Haha

    BTW, I was recently tagged in a “10 random facts about me” post by a fellow blogger, and tagged you, being as you’re one of my favorite bloggers. Here’s the post:

    Hopefully you see to doing a post yourself (:
